Dagger Functions

Task Functions/Macros

@spawn [opts] f(args...) -> Thunk

Convenience macro like Dagger.@par, but eagerly executed from the moment it's called (equivalent to spawn).

See the docs for @par for more information and usage examples.

spawn(f, args...; kwargs...) -> EagerThunk

Spawns a task with f as the function, args as the arguments, and kwargs as the keyword arguments, returning an EagerThunk. Uses a scheduler running in the background to execute code.

delayed(f, options=Options())(args...; kwargs...) -> Thunk
delayed(f; options...)(args...; kwargs...) -> Thunk

Creates a Thunk object which can be executed later, which will call f with args and kwargs. options controls various properties of the resulting Thunk.

@par [opts] f(args...; kwargs...) -> Thunk

Convenience macro to call Dagger.delayed on f with arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs. May also be called with a series of assignments like so:

x = @par begin
    a = f(1,2)
    b = g(a,3)

x will hold the Thunk representing h(a,b); additionally, a and b will be defined in the same local scope and will be equally accessible for later calls.

Options to the Thunk can be set as opts with namedtuple syntax, e.g. single=1. Multiple options may be provided, and will be applied to all generated thunks.


Task Options Functions/Macros

with_options(f, options::NamedTuple) -> Any
with_options(f; options...) -> Any

Sets one or more options to the given values, executes f(), resets the options to their previous values, and returns the result of f(). This is the recommended way to set options, as it only affects tasks spawned within its scope. Note that setting an option here will propagate its value across Julia or Dagger tasks spawned by f() or its callees (i.e. the options propagate).

get_options(key::Symbol, default) -> Any
get_options(key::Symbol) -> Any

Returns the value of the option named key. If option does not have a value set, then an error will be thrown, unless default is set, in which case it will be returned instead of erroring.

get_options() -> NamedTuple

Returns a NamedTuple of all option key-value pairs.

@option name myfunc(A, B, C) = value

A convenience macro for defining default_option. For example:

Dagger.@option single mylocalfunc(Int) = 1

The above call will set the single option to 1 for any Dagger task calling mylocalfunc(Int) with an Int argument.

default_option(::Val{name}, Tf, Targs...) where name = value

Defines the default value for option name to value when Dagger is preparing to execute a function with type Tf with the argument types Targs. Users and libraries may override this to set default values for tasks.

An easier way to define these defaults is with @option.

Note that the actual task's argument values are not passed, as it may not always be possible or efficient to gather all Dagger task arguments on one worker.

This function may be executed within the scheduler, so it should generally be made very cheap to execute. If the function throws an error, the scheduler will use whatever the global default value is for that option instead.


Data Management Functions

tochunk(x, proc::Processor, scope::AbstractScope; device=nothing, kwargs...) -> Chunk

Create a chunk from data x which resides on proc and which has scope scope.

device specifies a MemPool.StorageDevice (which is itself wrapped in a Chunk) which will be used to manage the reference contained in the Chunk generated by this function. If device is nothing (the default), the data will be inspected to determine if it's safe to serialize; if so, the default MemPool storage device will be used; if not, then a MemPool.CPURAMDevice will be used.

All other kwargs are passed directly to MemPool.poolset.

mutable(f::Base.Callable; worker, processor, scope) -> Chunk

Calls f() on the specified worker or processor, returning a Chunk referencing the result with the specified scope scope.

shard(f; kwargs...) -> Chunk{Shard}

Executes f on all workers in workers, wrapping the result in a process-scoped Chunk, and constructs a Chunk{Shard} containing all of these Chunks on the current worker.

Keyword arguments:

  • procs – The list of processors to create pieces on. May be any iterable container of Processors.
  • workers – The list of workers to create pieces on. May be any iterable container of Integers.
  • per_thread::Bool=false – If true, creates a piece per each thread, rather than a piece per each worker.

Scope Functions

scope(scs...) -> AbstractScope
scope(;scs...) -> AbstractScope

Constructs an AbstractScope from a set of scope specifiers. Each element in scs is a separate specifier; if scs is empty, an empty UnionScope() is produced; if scs has one element, then exactly one specifier is constructed; if scs has more than one element, a UnionScope of the scopes specified by scs is constructed. A variety of specifiers can be passed to construct a scope:

  • :any - Constructs an AnyScope()
  • :default - Constructs a DefaultScope()
  • (scs...,) - Constructs a UnionScope of scopes, each specified by scs
  • thread=tid or threads=[tids...] - Constructs an ExactScope or UnionScope containing all Dagger.ThreadProcs with thread ID tid/tids across all workers.
  • worker=wid or workers=[wids...] - Constructs a ProcessScope or UnionScope containing all Dagger.ThreadProcs with worker ID wid/wids across all threads.
  • thread=tid/threads=tids and worker=wid/workers=wids - Constructs an ExactScope, ProcessScope, or UnionScope containing all Dagger.ThreadProcs with worker ID wid/wids and threads tid/tids.

Aside from the worker and thread specifiers, it's possible to add custom specifiers for scoping to other kinds of processors (like GPUs) or providing different ways to specify a scope. Specifier selection is determined by a precedence ordering: by default, all specifiers have precedence 0, which can be changed by defining scope_key_precedence(::Val{spec}) = precedence (where spec is the specifier as a Symbol). The specifier with the highest precedence in a set of specifiers is used to determine the scope by calling to_scope(::Val{spec}, sc::NamedTuple) (where sc is the full set of specifiers), which should be overriden for each custom specifier, and which returns an AbstractScope. For example:

# Setup a GPU specifier
Dagger.scope_key_precedence(::Val{:gpu}) = 1
Dagger.to_scope(::Val{:gpu}, sc::NamedTuple) = ExactScope(MyGPUDevice(sc.worker, sc.gpu))

# Generate an `ExactScope` for `MyGPUDevice` on worker 2, device 3
Dagger.scope(gpu=3, worker=2)
constraint(x::AbstractScope, y::AbstractScope) -> ::AbstractScope

Constructs a scope that is the intersection of scopes x and y.


Lazy Task Functions


Returns metadata about x. This metadata will be in the domain field of a Chunk object when an object of type T is created as the result of evaluating a Thunk.

compute(ctx::Context, d::Thunk; options=nothing) -> Chunk

Compute a Thunk - creates the DAG, assigns ranks to nodes for tie breaking and runs the scheduler with the specified options. Returns a Chunk which references the result.

dependents(node::Thunk) -> Dict{Union{Thunk,Chunk}, Set{Thunk}}

Find the set of direct dependents for each task.

noffspring(dpents::Dict{Union{Thunk,Chunk}, Set{Thunk}}) -> Dict{Thunk, Int}

Recursively find the number of tasks dependent on each task in the DAG. Takes a Dict as returned by dependents.

order(node::Thunk, ndeps) -> Dict{Thunk,Int}

Given a root node of the DAG, calculates a total order for tie-breaking.

  • Root node gets score 1,
  • rest of the nodes are explored in DFS fashion but chunks of each node are explored in order of noffspring, i.e. total number of tasks depending on the result of the said node.



Processor Functions

execute!(proc::Processor, f, args...; kwargs...) -> Any

Executes the function f with arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs on processor proc. This function can be overloaded by Processor subtypes to allow executing function calls differently than normal Julia.

iscompatible(proc::Processor, opts, f, Targs...) -> Bool

Indicates whether proc can execute f over Targs given opts. Processor subtypes should overload this function to return true if and only if it is essentially guaranteed that f(::Targs...) is supported. Additionally, iscompatible_func and iscompatible_arg can be overriden to determine compatibility of f and Targs individually. The default implementation returns false.

default_enabled(proc::Processor) -> Bool

Returns whether processor proc is enabled by default. The default value is false, which is an opt-out of the processor from execution when not specifically requested by the user, and true implies opt-in, which causes the processor to always participate in execution when possible.

get_processors(proc::Processor) -> Set{<:Processor}

Returns the set of processors contained in proc, if any. Processor subtypes should overload this function if they can contain sub-processors. The default method will return a Set containing proc itself.

get_parent(proc::Processor) -> Processor

Returns the parent processor for proc. The ultimate parent processor is an OSProc. Processor subtypes should overload this to return their most direct parent.

move(from_proc::Processor, to_proc::Processor, x)

Moves and/or converts x such that it's available and suitable for usage on the to_proc processor. This function can be overloaded by Processor subtypes to transport arguments and convert them to an appropriate form before being used for exection. Subtypes of Processor wishing to implement efficient data movement should provide implementations where x::Chunk.


Context Functions

addprocs!(ctx::Context, xs)

Add new workers xs to ctx.

Workers will typically be assigned new tasks in the next scheduling iteration if scheduling is ongoing.

Workers can be either Processors or the underlying process IDs as Integers.

rmprocs!(ctx::Context, xs)

Remove the specified workers xs from ctx.

Workers will typically finish all their assigned tasks if scheduling is ongoing but will not be assigned new tasks after removal.

Workers can be either Processors or the underlying process IDs as Integers.


Thunk Execution Environment Functions

These functions are used within the function called by a Thunk.

Dynamic Scheduler Control Functions

These functions query and control the scheduler remotely.


If a DArray tree has a Thunk in it, make the whole thing a big thunk.


Waits on a thunk to complete, and fetches its result.
