
Since Julia 1.6 Preferences.jl allows packages to declare options/preferences that the user can set on a per project level.

Preferences are read and written from Julia with the Preferences.jl package.

module MyPackage

using Preferences

const favorite_icecream = @load_preference("icecream", "vanilla")

function change_mind!(flavor)


When a preference is set it is stored in a file called LocalPreferences.toml next to your current Project.toml.


icecream = "chocolate"

Note how the LocalPreferences.toml is scoped by package name, and thus each package has it's own namespace.

Setting preferences of dependencies

A common use-case of preferences is to configure the library path of libraries provided through _jll packages.

As an example let's add UCX.jl as a dependency to a package.

> cat Project.toml
Preferences = "21216c6a-2e73-6563-6e65-726566657250"
UCX = "6b349878-927d-5bd5-ab28-bc3aa4175a33"

and we can see that it currently uses the from UCX_jll.

julia> using UCX
julia> UCX.API.libucp

Now if I want to change the library used we have two options. Firstly the manual one where we directly manipulate the LocalPreferences.toml, and secondly using Prefrences set_preference(UCX.UCX_jll, "libucp_path"=>"...").

Manual approach

The LocalPreferences.toml we create next to our Project.toml will look like:

> cat LocalPreferences.toml

Running the same commands as before:

julia> using UCX
julia> UCX.API.libucp

We see that nothing has changed. Why? Julia internally referers to packages by UUIDs so if you take another look at the Project.toml you can see that in [deps] we declare a mapping from name to UUID, and the LocalPreferences.toml needs exactly this mapping to know what package owns the namespace. We could add UCX_jll to our [deps] section in our package but that would unecessarily polute our dependency set. Instead the right solution is to add UCX_jll to the [extras] section.

> cat Project.toml
Preferences = "21216c6a-2e73-6563-6e65-726566657250"
UCX = "6b349878-927d-5bd5-ab28-bc3aa4175a33"

UCX_jll = "16e4e860-d6b8-5056-a518-93e88b6392ae"

Loading UCX now delightfully fails since of course we haven't done the work of placing a library in that location.

julia> using UCX
ERROR: InitError: could not load library "/home/vchuravy/builds/ucx/lib/"
/home/vchuravy/builds/ucx/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Keep this in mind if you are ever wondering why settings in LocalPreferences.toml don't seem to take effect.

The "proper" way

Let's reset our environment to the state it was before:

> cat Project.toml
Preferences = "21216c6a-2e73-6563-6e65-726566657250"
UCX = "6b349878-927d-5bd5-ab28-bc3aa4175a33"
julia> using UCX
julia> @eval UCX using UCX_jll
julia> using Preferences
julia> set_preferences!(UCX.UCX_jll, "libucp_path" => "/home/vchuravy/builds/ucx/lib/")
julia> UCX.UCX_jll.libucp_path

As we can see the preference has not yet taken effect, and it will require a restart of Julia. This is because the preference lookup is cached during package precompilation.

Inspecting our Project.toml and LocalPreferences.toml we see that Preferences.jl automatically added UCX_jll to the [extras] section.

> cat Project.toml
Preferences = "21216c6a-2e73-6563-6e65-726566657250"
UCX = "6b349878-927d-5bd5-ab28-bc3aa4175a33"

UCX_jll = "16e4e860-d6b8-5056-a518-93e88b6392ae"
> cat example/LocalPreferences.toml
libucp_path = "/home/vchuravy/builds/ucx/lib/"

After restarting we see the expected behavior.

julia> using UCX
ERROR: InitError: could not load library "/home/vchuravy/builds/ucx/lib/"
/home/vchuravy/builds/ucx/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Interactions with the JULIA_LOAD_PATH

Preferences are merged across the entire JULIA_LOAD_PATH to illustrate this let's create a new directory preferences and mv over our current LocalPreferences.toml.

mkdir preferences
mv example/LocalPreferences.toml preferences/
printf "[extras]\nUCX_jll = \"16e4e860-d6b8-5056-a518-93e88b6392ae\"" > preferences/Project.toml

and remove UCX_jll from Project.toml in the current directory.

> JULIA_LOAD_PATH="@:./preferences" julia --project=.
julia> using UCX
ERROR: InitError: could not load library "/home/vchuravy/builds/ucx/lib/"