- DistributedArrays.jl
- Distributed Arrays
- Constructing Distributed Arrays
- Distributed Array Operations
- Numerical Results of Distributed Computations
- Garbage Collection and
s - Working with distributed non-array data (requires Julia 0.6)
- SPMD Mode (An MPI Style SPMD mode with MPI like primitives, requires Julia 0.6)
- Example
- SPMD Context
- Nested
Distributed Arrays
Large computations are often organized around large arrays of data. In these cases, a particularly natural way to obtain parallelism is to distribute arrays among several processes. This combines the memory resources of multiple machines, allowing use of arrays too large to fit on one machine. Each process can read and write to the part of the array it owns and has read-only access to the parts it doesn't own. This provides a ready answer to the question of how a program should be divided among machines.
Julia distributed arrays are implemented by the DArray
type. A DArray
has an element type and dimensions just like an Array
. A DArray
can also use arbitrary array-like types to represent the local chunks that store actual data. The data in a DArray
is distributed by dividing the index space into some number of blocks in each dimension.
Common kinds of arrays can be constructed with functions beginning with d
In the last case, each element will be initialized to the specified value x
. These functions automatically pick a distribution for you. For more control, you can specify which processes to use, and how the data should be distributed:
dzeros((100,100), workers()[1:4], [1,4])
The second argument specifies that the array should be created on the first four workers. When dividing data among a large number of processes, one often sees diminishing returns in performance. Placing DArray
s on a subset of processes allows multiple DArray
computations to happen at once, with a higher ratio of work to communication on each process.
The third argument specifies a distribution; the nth element of this array specifies how many pieces dimension n should be divided into. In this example the first dimension will not be divided, and the second dimension will be divided into 4 pieces. Therefore each local chunk will be of size (100,25)
. Note that the product of the distribution array must equal the number of processes.
converts a local array to a distributed array.localpart(d::DArray)
obtains the locally-stored portion of aDArray
.Localparts can be retrived and set via the indexing syntax too. Indexing via symbols is used for this, specifically symbols
which are all equivalent. For example,d[:L]
returns the localpart ofd
as the localpart ofd
gives a tuple of the index ranges owned by the local process.convert(Array, a::DArray)
brings all the data to the local process.
Indexing a DArray
(square brackets) with ranges of indices always creates a SubArray
, not copying any data.
Constructing Distributed Arrays
The primitive DArray
constructor has the following somewhat elaborate signature:
DArray(init, dims[, procs, dist])
is a function that accepts a tuple of index ranges. This function should allocate a local chunk of the distributed array and initialize it for the specified indices. dims
is the overall size of the distributed array. procs
optionally specifies a vector of process IDs to use. dist
is an integer vector specifying how many chunks the distributed array should be divided into in each dimension.
The last two arguments are optional, and defaults will be used if they are omitted.
As an example, here is how to turn the local array constructor fill
into a distributed array constructor:
dfill(v, args...) = DArray(I->fill(v, map(length,I)), args...)
In this case the init
function only needs to call fill
with the dimensions of the local piece it is creating.
s can also be constructed from multidimensional Array
comprehensions with the @DArray
macro syntax. This syntax is just sugar for the primitive DArray
julia> [i+j for i = 1:5, j = 1:5]
5x5 Array{Int64,2}:
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 9
6 7 8 9 10
julia> @DArray [i+j for i = 1:5, j = 1:5]
5x5 DistributedArrays.DArray{Int64,2,Array{Int64,2}}:
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 9
6 7 8 9 10
Construction from arrays generated on separate processes
s can also be constructed from arrays that have been constructed on separate processes, as demonstrated below:
ras = [@spawnat p rand(30,30) for p in workers()[1:4]]
ras = reshape(ras,(2,2))
D = DArray(ras)
An alternative syntax is:
r1 = DistributedArrays.remotecall(() -> rand(10,10), workers()[1])
r2 = DistributedArrays.remotecall(() -> rand(10,10), workers()[2])
r3 = DistributedArrays.remotecall(() -> rand(10,10), workers()[3])
r4 = DistributedArrays.remotecall(() -> rand(10,10), workers()[4])
D = DArray(reshape([r1 r2 r3 r4], (2,2)))
The distribution of indices across workers can be checked with
[@fetchfrom p localindices(D) for p in workers()]
Distributed Array Operations
At this time, distributed arrays do not have much functionality. Their major utility is allowing communication to be done via array indexing, which is convenient for many problems. As an example, consider implementing the "life" cellular automaton, where each cell in a grid is updated according to its neighboring cells. To compute a chunk of the result of one iteration, each process needs the immediate neighbor cells of its local chunk. The following code accomplishes this:
function life_step(d::DArray)
DArray(size(d),procs(d)) do I
top = mod(first(I[1])-2,size(d,1))+1
bot = mod( last(I[1]) ,size(d,1))+1
left = mod(first(I[2])-2,size(d,2))+1
right = mod( last(I[2]) ,size(d,2))+1
old = Array{Bool}(undef, length(I[1])+2, length(I[2])+2)
old[1 , 1 ] = d[top , left] # left side
old[2:end-1, 1 ] = d[I[1], left]
old[end , 1 ] = d[bot , left]
old[1 , 2:end-1] = d[top , I[2]]
old[2:end-1, 2:end-1] = d[I[1], I[2]] # middle
old[end , 2:end-1] = d[bot , I[2]]
old[1 , end ] = d[top , right] # right side
old[2:end-1, end ] = d[I[1], right]
old[end , end ] = d[bot , right]
As you can see, we use a series of indexing expressions to fetch data into a local array old
. Note that the do
block syntax is convenient for passing init
functions to the DArray
constructor. Next, the serial function life_rule
is called to apply the update rules to the data, yielding the needed DArray
chunk. Nothing about life_rule
is DArray
-specific, but we list it here for completeness:
function life_rule(old)
m, n = size(old)
new = similar(old, m-2, n-2)
for j = 2:n-1
for i = 2:m-1
nc = +(old[i-1,j-1], old[i-1,j], old[i-1,j+1],
old[i ,j-1], old[i ,j+1],
old[i+1,j-1], old[i+1,j], old[i+1,j+1])
new[i-1,j-1] = (nc == 3 || nc == 2 && old[i,j])
Numerical Results of Distributed Computations
Floating point arithmetic is not associative and this comes up when performing distributed computations over DArray
s. All DArray
operations are performed over the localpart
chunks and then aggregated. The change in ordering of the operations will change the numeric result as seen in this simple example:
julia> addprocs(8);
julia> using DistributedArrays
julia> A = fill(1.1, (100,100));
julia> sum(A)
julia> DA = distribute(A);
julia> sum(DA)
julia> sum(A) == sum(DA)
The ultimate ordering of operations will be dependent on how the Array
is distributed.
Garbage Collection and DArray
When a DArray
is constructed (typically on the master process), the returned DArray
objects stores information on how the array is distributed, which processor holds which indices and so on. When the DArray
object on the master process is garbage collected, all participating workers are notified and localparts of the DArray
freed on each worker.
Since the size of the DArray
object itself is small, a problem arises as gc
on the master faces no memory pressure to collect the DArray
immediately. This results in a delay of the memory being released on the participating workers.
Therefore it is highly recommended to explicitly call close(d::DArray)
as soon as user code has finished working with the distributed array.
It is also important to note that the localparts of the DArray
is collected from all participating workers when the DArray
object on the process creating the DArray
is collected. It is therefore important to maintain a reference to a DArray
object on the creating process for as long as it is being computed upon.
is another useful function to manage distributed memory. It releases all DArrays
created from the calling process, including any temporaries created during computation.
Working with distributed non-array data (requires Julia 0.6)
The function ddata(;T::Type=Any, init::Function=I->nothing, pids=workers(), data::Vector=[])
can be used to created a distributed vector whose localparts need not be Arrays.
It returns a DArray{T,1,T}
, i.e., the element type and localtype of the array are the same.
constructs a distributed vector of length nworkers()
where each localpart can hold any value, initially initialized to nothing
Argument data
if supplied is distributed over the pids
. length(data)
must be a multiple of length(pids)
. If the multiple is 1, returns a DArray{T,1,T}
where T is eltype(data)
. If the multiple is greater than 1, returns a DArray{T,1,Array{T,1}}
, i.e., it is equivalent to calling distribute(data)
returns an Array{T,1}
consisting of all distributed elements of d
Given a DArray{T,1,T}
object d
, d[:L]
returns the localpart on a worker. d[i]
returns the localpart
on the ith worker that d
is distributed over.
SPMD Mode (An MPI Style SPMD mode with MPI like primitives, requires Julia 0.6)
SPMD, i.e., a Single Program Multiple Data mode, is implemented by submodule DistributedArrays.SPMD
. In this mode the same function is executed in parallel on all participating nodes. This is a typical style of MPI programs where the same program is executed on all processors. A basic subset of MPI-like primitives are currently supported. As a programming model it should be familiar to folks with an MPI background.
The same block of code is executed concurrently on all workers using the spmd
# define foo() on all workers
@everywhere function foo(arg1, arg2)
# call foo() everywhere using the `spmd` function
spmd(foo,d_in,d_out; pids=workers()) # executes on all workers
is defined as spmd(f, args...; pids=procs(), context=nothing)
is one or more arguments to be passed to f
. pids
identifies the workers that f
needs to be run on. context
identifies a run context, which is explained later.
The following primitives can be used in SPMD mode.
sendto(pid, data; tag=nothing)
- sendsdata
recvfrom(pid; tag=nothing)
- receives data frompid
recvfrom_any(; tag=nothing)
- receives data from anypid
barrier(;pids=procs(), tag=nothing)
- all tasks wait and then proceeedbcast(data, pid; tag=nothing, pids=procs())
- broadcasts the same data overpids
scatter(x, pid; tag=nothing, pids=procs())
- distributesx
gather(x, pid; tag=nothing, pids=procs())
- collects data frompids
onto workerpid
Tag tag
should be used to differentiate between consecutive calls of the same type, for example, consecutive bcast
and spmd related functions are defined in submodule DistributedArrays.SPMD
. You will need to import it explicitly, or prefix functions that can can only be used in spmd mode with SPMD.
, for example, SPMD.sendto
This toy example exchanges data with each of its neighbors n
using Distributed
using DistributedArrays
@everywhere using DistributedArrays
@everywhere using DistributedArrays.SPMD
d_in=d=DArray(I->fill(myid(), (map(length,I)...,)), (nworkers(), 2), workers(), [nworkers(),1])
# define the function everywhere
@everywhere function foo_spmd(d_in, d_out, n)
pids = sort(vec(procs(d_in)))
pididx = findfirst(isequal(myid()), pids)
mylp = d_in[:L]
localsum = 0
# Have each worker exchange data with its neighbors
n_pididx = pididx+1 > length(pids) ? 1 : pididx+1
p_pididx = pididx-1 < 1 ? length(pids) : pididx-1
for i in 1:n
sendto(pids[n_pididx], mylp[2])
sendto(pids[p_pididx], mylp[1])
mylp[2] = recvfrom(pids[p_pididx])
mylp[1] = recvfrom(pids[n_pididx])
localsum = localsum + mylp[1] + mylp[2]
# finally store the sum in d_out
d_out[:L] = localsum
# run foo_spmd on all workers
spmd(foo_spmd, d_in, d_out, 10, pids=workers())
# print values of d_in and d_out after the run
SPMD Context
Each SPMD run is implicitly executed in a different context. This allows for multiple spmd
calls to be active at the same time. A SPMD context can be explicitly specified via keyword arg context
to spmd
returns a new SPMD context.
A SPMD context also provides a context local storage, a dict, which can be used to store key-value pairs between spmd runs under the same context.
returns the dictionary associated with the context.
NOTE: Implicitly defined contexts, i.e., spmd
calls without specifying a context
create a context which live only for the duration of the call. Explicitly created context objects can be released early by calling close(ctxt::SPMDContext)
. This will release the local storage dictionaries on all participating pids
. Else they will be released when the context object is gc'ed on the node that created it.
Nested spmd
As spmd
executes the specified function on all participating nodes, we need to be careful with nesting spmd
An example of an unsafe(wrong) way:
function foo(.....)
spmd(bar, ......)
function bar(....)
spmd(baz, ......)
In the above example, foo
, bar
and baz
are all functions wishing to leverage distributed computation. However, they themselves may be currently part of a spmd
call. A safe way to handle such a scenario is to only drive parallel computation from the master process.
The correct way (only have the driver process initiate spmd
function foo()
myid()==1 && spmd(bar, ......)
function bar()
myid()==1 && spmd(baz, ......)
This is also true of functions which automatically distribute computation on DArrays.
function foo(d::DArray)
myid()==1 && map!(bar, d)
Without the myid()
check, the spmd
call to foo
would execute map!
from all nodes, which is probably not what we want.
Similarly @everywhere
from within a SPMD run should also be driven from the master node only.