Python Integration
If you're using Python as your main programming language, Dagger can be easily integrated into your workflow. Dagger has built-in support for Python, which you can easily access through the pydaggerjl
library (accessible through pip
). This library provides a Pythonic interface to Dagger, allowing you to spawn Dagger tasks that run Python functions on Python arguments.
Here's a simple example of interfacing between Python's numpy
library and Dagger:
import numpy as np
from pydaggerjl import daggerjl
# Create a Dagger DTask to sum the elements of an array
task = daggerjl.spawn(np.sum, np.array([1, 2, 3]))
# Wait on task to finish
# This is purely educational, as fetch will wait for the task to finish
# Fetch the result
result = daggerjl.fetch(task)
print(f"The sum is: {result}")
# Create two numpy arrays
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = np.array([4, 5, 6])
# Element-wise sum of the two arrays
task = daggerjl.spawn(np.add, a, b)
# Fetch the result
result = daggerjl.fetch(task)
print(f"The element-wise sum is: {result}")
# Element-wise sum of last result with itself
task2 = daggerjl.spawn(np.add, task, task)
# Fetch the result
result2 = daggerjl.fetch(task2)
print(f"The element-wise sum of the last result with itself is: {result2}")
Keep an eye on Dagger and pydaggerjl - new features are soon to come!