
If at some point during a Dagger computation a thunk throws an error, or if the entire computation dies because the head node hit an OOM or other unexpected error, the entire computation is lost and needs to be started from scratch. This can be unacceptable for scheduling very large/expensive/mission-critical graphs, and for interactive development where errors are common and easily fixable.

Robust applications often support "checkpointing", where intermediate results are periodically written out to persistent media, or sharded to the rest of the cluster, to allow resuming an interrupted computation from a point later than the original start. Dagger provides infrastructure to perform user-driven checkpointing of intermediate results once they're generated.

As a concrete example, imagine that you're developing a numerical algorithm, and distributing it with Dagger. The idea is to sum all the values in a very big matrix, and then get the square root of the absolute value of the sum of sums. Here is what that might look like:

X = compute(randn(Blocks(128,128), 1024, 1024))
Y = [delayed(sum)(chunk) for chunk in X.chunks]
inner(x...) = sqrt(sum(x))
Z = delayed(inner)(Y...)
z = collect(Z)

Let's pretend that the above calculation of each element in Y takes a full day to run. If you run this, you might realize that if the final sum call returns a negative number, sqrt will throw a DomainError (because sqrt can't accept negative Real inputs). Of course, you forgot to add a call to abs before the call to sqrt! Now, you know how to fix this, but once you do, you'll have to spend another entire day waiting for it to finish! And maybe you fix this one bug and wait a full day for it to finish, and begin adding more very computationally-heavy code (which inevitably has bugs). Those later computations might fail, and if you're running this as a script (maybe under a cluster scheduler like Slurm), you have to restart everything from the very beginning. This is starting to sound pretty wasteful...

Thankfully, Dagger has a simple solution to this: checkpointing. With checkpointing, Dagger can be instructed to save intermediate results (maybe the results of computing Y) to a persistent storage medium of your choice. Probably a file on disk, but maybe a database, or even just stored in RAM in a space-efficient form. You also tell Dagger how to restore this data: how to take the result stored in its persistent form, and turn it back into something identical to the original intermediate data that Dagger computed. Then, when the worst happens and a piece of your algorithm throws an error (as above), Dagger will call the restore function and try to materialize those intermediate results that you painstakingly computed, so that you don't need to re-compute them.

Let's see how we'd modify the above example to use checkpointing:

using Serialization

X = compute(randn(Blocks(128,128), 1024, 1024))
Y = [delayed(sum; checkpoint=(thunk,result)->begin
    open("checkpoint-$idx.bin", "w") do io
        serialize(io, collect(result))
end, restore=(thunk)->begin
    open("checkpoint-$idx.bin", "r") do io
end)(chunk) for (idx,chunk) in enumerate(X.chunks)]
inner(x...) = sqrt(sum(x))
Z = delayed(inner)(Y...)
z = collect(Z)

Two changes were made: first, we enumerate(X.chunks) so that we can get a unique index to identify each chunk; second, we specify a ThunkOptions to delayed with a checkpoint and restore function that is specialized to write or read the given chunk to or from a file on disk, respectively. Notice the usage of collect in the checkpoint function, and the use of Dagger.tochunk in the restore function; Dagger represents intermediate results as Dagger.Chunk objects, so we need to convert between Chunks and the actual data to keep Dagger happy. Performance-sensitive users might consider modifying these methods to store the checkpoint files on the filesystem of the server that currently owns the Chunk, to minimize data transfer times during checkpoint and restore operations.

If we run the above code once, we'll still end up waiting a day for Y to be computed, and we'll still get the DomainError from sqrt. However, when we fix the inner function to include that call to abs that was missing, and we re-run this code starting from the creation of Y, we'll find that we don't actually spend a day waiting; we probably spend a few seconds waiting, and end up with our final result! This is because Dagger called the restore function for each element of Y, and was provided a result by the user-specified function, so it skipped re-computing those sums entirely.

You might also notice that when you ran this code the first time, you received errors about "No such file or directory", or some similar error; this occurs because Dagger always calls the restore function when it exists. In the first run, the checkpoint files don't yet exist, so there's nothing to restore; Dagger reports the thrown error, but keeps moving along, merrily computing the sums of Y. You're welcome to explicitly check if the file exists, and if not, return nothing; then Dagger won't report an annoying error, and will skip the restoration quietly.

Of course, you might have a lot of code that looks like this, and may want to also checkpoint the final result of the z = collect(...) call as well. This is just as easy to do:

# compute X, Y, Z above ...
z = collect(Z; options=Dagger.Sch.SchedulerOptions(;
    open("checkpoint-final.bin", "w") do io
        serialize(io, collect(result))
end, restore=()->begin
    open("checkpoint-final.bin", "r") do io

In this case, the entire computation will be skipped if checkpoint-final.bin exists!